Cristalino Andorra

Ore: Cu-Ni-Co


Project / Area called "Cristalino “registered with the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM - autarchy that integratesthe Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil) under the number: 850362/2012. This mineral area was searched for the following minerals: Copper, Gold, Cobalt, Nickel, Zinc , Platinum, Paladium, Silver.

Source: Andorra Participações e Emp. Ltda. page :


Located next to the Cristalino Project VALE in Canãa dos Carajás, in the State of Pará - Brazil, omdeyour company will build a railway stretch.

Source: Andorra Participações e Emp. Ltda. page :


8 km from the city of Canãa dos Carajás ,60 km the city of Parauopebas where it has a commercial airport and 120 km from the city of Marabá . state of Pará.

Source: Andorra Participações e Emp. Ltda. page :

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